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This document runs a discrete event simulation model in the context of early breast cancer to show how the functions can be used to generate a model in only a few steps.

When running a DES, it’s important to consider speed. Simulation based models can be computationally expensive, which means that using efficient coding can have a substantial impact on performance.

Main options


#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     group_rows

Model Concept

Patients start in early breast cancer, and draw times to event. Patients also draw a probability of going into metastatic breast cancer or going into remission. If they go into remission, they can have a metastatic recurrence. At any point in time they can die, depending on the risk of each disease stage.

Load Data

The dummy data for costs and utility is generated below.

df_util <- data.frame( name = c("util.idfs.ontx" ,"util.idfs.offtx" ,"util.remission" ,"util.recurrence" ,"util.mbc.progression.mbc" ,"util.mbc.pps"),
                         value = c(0.75, 0.8,0.9,0.7,0.6,0.5),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE

df_cost <- data.frame( name = c("cost.idfs.tx" ,"cost.recurrence" ,"cost.mbc.tx" ,"cost.tx.beva" ,"cost.idfs.txnoint",
                         value = c(40000,5000,3000,10000,30000,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>%
  mutate(se= value/5)

General inputs with delayed execution

Initial inputs and flags that will be used in the model can be defined below. We can define inputs that are common to all patients (common_all_inputs) within a simulation, inputs that are unique to a patient independently of the treatment (e.g. natural death, defined in common_pt_inputs), and inputs that are unique to that patient and that treatment (unique_pt_inputs). Items can be included through the add_item function, and can be used in subsequent items (e.g. below, we define sex_pt and we use it in nat.os.s to get the background mortality for that patient). All these inputs are generated before the events and the reaction to events are executed. Furthermore, the program first executes common_all_inputs, then common_pt_inputs and then unique_pt_inputs. So one could use the items generated in common_all_inputs in unique_pt_inputs.

The flag fl.remission is drawn using a Bernoulli distribution with probability 0.8. This means that 80% of the patients will have a remission, while 20% will go into early metastatic BC. Note that this could also be modeled differently by using a time to remission and time to early metastatic BC, comparing these and choosing the pathway depending on which one is smaller.

We also define here the specific utilities and costs that will be used in the model. We create a named vector that identifies the costs and utilities, and then we assign them to each specific item. Note that while util_v or cost_v is a named vector, the specific items that will be used by the model (e.g. util.remission) are unnamed. It is strongly recommended to assign unnamed objects if they are going to be processed in the model. In this case, we’re only using util_v and cost_v as an intermediate input and these objects will not be processed (we just use them to make the code more readable), so it’s fine if we name them. However, naming the value of util.remission (e.g. using one bracket instead of two in util_v[["util.remission"]]) may cause the outputs from the model to change names, depending on use. This is because of how R works: it would correspond to a named list with a named vector/element, which R concatenates, so in this case it would end up generating qaly.util.remission as an output of the model instead of just qaly).

#Each patient is identified through "i"
#Items used in the model should be unnamed numeric/vectors! otherwise if they are processed by model it can lead to strangely named outcomes
#In this case, util_v is a named vector, but it's not processed by the model. We extract unnamed numerics from it.

#Put objects here that do not change on any patient or intervention loop
common_all_inputs <- add_item() %>%
  add_item( #utilities
    base =  df_util$value,
    psa = MASS::mvrnorm(1,df_util$value,diag(df_util$se^2)),
    sens = df_util$value,
    psa_ind = psa_bool,
    sens_ind = sensitivity_bool,
    indicator = rep(0, nrow(df_util)),
    names_out =df_util$name
    base =  df_cost$value,
    psa = rgamma_mse(1,df_cost$value,df_cost$se),
    sens = df_cost$value,
    psa_ind = psa_bool,
    sens_ind = sensitivity_bool,
    indicator = rep(0, nrow(df_cost)),
    names_out =df_cost$name
#Put objects here that do not change as we loop through interventions for a patient
common_pt_inputs <- add_item(sex_pt = ifelse(rbinom(1,1,p=0.01),"male","female"),
                             nat.os.s = rcond_gompertz(1,
                                                     lower_bound = 50) ) #in years, for a patient who is 50yo

#Put objects here that change as we loop through treatments for each patient (e.g. events can affect fl.tx, but events do not affect nat.os.s)
#common across arm but changes per pt could be implemented here (if (arm==)... )
unique_pt_inputs <- add_item(
  fl.idfs.ontx             = 1,
  fl.idfs                  = 1,
  fl.mbcs.ontx             = 1,
  fl.mbcs.progression.mbc  = 1,
  fl.tx.beva               = 1,  
  fl.mbcs                  = 0,
  fl.mbcs_2ndline          = 0,
  fl.recurrence            = 0,
  fl.remission             = rbinom(1,1,0.8), #80% probability of going into remission
  q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
  c_default = if(arm=="noint"){cost.idfs.txnoint* fl.idfs.ontx  + cost.idfs}else{(cost.idfs.tx) * fl.idfs.ontx + cost.tx.beva * fl.tx.beva + cost.idfs},
  c_ae = 0


Add Initial Events

Events are added below through the add_tte function. We use this function twice, one per intervention. We must define several arguments: one to indicate the intervention, one to define the names of the events used, one to define the names of other objects created that we would like to store (optional, maybe we generate an intermediate input which is not an event but that we want to save) and the actual input in which we generate the time to event. Events and other objects will be automatically initialized to Inf. We draw the times to event for the patients. This chunk is a bit more complex, so it’s worth spending a bit of time explaining it.

The init_event_list object is populated by using the add_tte function twice, one for the “int” strategy and other for the “noint” strategy. We first declare the start time to be 0.

We then proceed to generate the actual time to event. We use the draw_tte() function to generate the time to event using a log-normal distribution for the event variables that are of interest. One should always be aware of how the competing risks interact with each other. While we have abstracted from these type of corrections here, it is recommended to have an understanding about how these affect the results and have a look at the competing risks/semi-competing risks literature.

Note that in our model, the initial list of events are start, ttot, ttot.beva, progression.mbc, os, idfs, ttot.early, remission, recurrence and start.early.mbc. However, other, non-initial events can be defined in the reactions part seen in the section below.

init_event_list <- 
               evts = c("start","ttot", "ttot.beva","progression.mbc", "os","idfs","ttot.early","remission","recurrence","start.early.mbc","ae","2ndline_mbc"),
               other_inp = c("os.early","os.mbc"),
               input={ #intervention
    start <- 0
    idfs <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2)) 
    ttot.early <- min(draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2)),idfs)
    ttot.beva <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2))
    os.early <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=3, coef2=log(0.2)) 
    #if patient has remission, check when will recurrence happen
    if (fl.remission) { 
      recurrence <- idfs +draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2))
      remission <- idfs
      #if recurrence happens before death
      if (min(os.early,nat.os.s)>recurrence) { 
        #Late metastatic (after finishing idfs and recurrence)
        os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs  +  recurrence 
        progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence 
        ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence
    } else{ #If early metastatic
      start.early.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2.3, coef2=log(0.2))
      idfs <- ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs)
      ttot.early <- min(ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs),ttot.early)
      os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
      progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
      ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
    os <- min(os.mbc,os.early,nat.os.s)

  }) %>%  add_tte(arm="noint",
                       evts = c("start","ttot", "ttot.beva","progression.mbc", "os","idfs","ttot.early","remission","recurrence","start.early.mbc"),
                       other_inp = c("os.early","os.mbc"),                       
                       input={  #reference strategy
    start <- 0

    idfs <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2),beta_tx = 1.2) 
    ttot.early <- min(draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2),beta_tx = 1.2),idfs)
    os.early <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=3, coef2=log(0.2),beta_tx = 1.2) 
    #if patient has remission, check when will recurrence happen
    if (fl.remission) { 
      recurrence <- idfs +draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2))
      remission <- idfs
      #if recurrence happens before death
      if (min(os.early,nat.os.s)>recurrence) { 
        #Late metastatic (after finishing idfs and recurrence)
        os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs  +  recurrence 
        progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence 
        ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence
    } else{ #If early metastatic
      start.early.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2.3, coef2=log(0.2))
      idfs <- ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs)
      ttot.early <- min(ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs),ttot.early)
      os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
      progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
      ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
    os <- min(os.mbc,os.early,nat.os.s)

Add Reaction to Those Events

Once the initial times of the events have been defined, we also need to declare how events react and affect each other. To do so, we use the evt_react_list object and the add_reactevt function. This function just needs to state which event is affected, and the actual reaction (usually setting flags to 1 or 0, or creating new/adjusting events).

There are a series of objects that can be used in this context to help with the reactions. Apart from the global objects and flags defined above, we can also use curtime for the current event time, prevtime for the time of the previous event, cur_evtlist for the named vector of events that is yet to happen for that patient, arm for the current treatment in the loop, evt for the current event being processed, i expresses the patient iteration, and simulation the specific simulation (relevant when the number of simulations is greater than 1). Furthermore, one can also call any other input/item that has been created before or create new ones. For example, we could even modify a cost/utility item by changing it directly, e.g. through modify_item(list(cost.idfs.tx=500)).

Item What does it do
curtime Current event time (numeric)
prevtime Time of the previous event (numeric)
cur_evtlist Named vector of events that is yet to happen for that patient (named numeric vector)
evt Current event being processed (character)
i Patient being iterated (numeric)
arm Intervention being iterated (character)
simulation Simulation being iterated (numeric)
sens Sensitivity analysis being iterated (numeric)

The functions to add/modify events and inputs use lists. Whenever several inputs/events are added or modified, it’s recommended to group them within one function, as it reduces the computation cost. So rather than use two modify_item with a list of one element, it’s better to group them into a single modify_item with a list of two elements.

new_eventallows to generate events and add them to the vector of events. It accepts more than one event. modify_event allows to modify events (e.g. delay death). When adding an event, the name of the events and the time of the events must be defined. When using modify_event, one must indicate which events are affected and what are the new times of the events. If the event specified does not exist or has already occurred, it will be ignored. modify_event with create_if_null = TRUE argument will also generate events if they don’t exist. Note that one could potentially omit part of the modeling set in init_event_list and actually define new events dynamically through the reactions (we do that below for the "ae" event). However, this can have an impact in computation time, so if possible it’s always better to use init_event_list.

modify_item and modify_item_seqallow to modify and add items. Elements defined within this function are not evaluated sequentially in modify_item (i.e. defining modify_item(list( = 1, var1 = * 5))) will give an error if was not defined outside this function), while modify_item_seq will do it sequentially at a slightly bigger computational cost, so both are left as choices for the user. Note that one can modify costs/utilities by using the construction type_name_category, where type is either “qaly” or “cost”, name is the name (e.g., “default”) and category is the category used (e.g., “instant”), so one could pass cost_default_instant and modify the cost.

The list of relevant functions to be used within add_reactevt are:

Function What does it do How to use it
modify_item() Adds & Modifies items/flags/variables for future events modify_item(list("fl.idfs.ontx"=0,"fl.tx.beva"=0))
modify_item_seq() Adds & Modifies items/flags/variables for future events sequentially modify_item_seq(list("fl.idfs.ontx"=0,"fl.tx.beva"=0))
new_event() Adds events to the vector of events for that patient new_event(rep(list("ae"=curtime + 0.001),5))
modify_event() Modifies (or creates, with create_if_null = TRUE) existing events by changing their time modify_event(list("os"=curtime +5, "ttot"=curtime+0.0001))

The model will run until curtime is set to Inf, so the event that terminates the model (in this case, os), should modify curtime and set it to Inf.

Finally, note that there could be two different ways of accumulating continuous outcomes, backwards (i.e., in the example below, we would set q_default = util.sick at the sicker event, and modify the q_default value in the death event) and forwards (as in the example below). This option can be modified in the run_sim function using the accum_backwards argument, which assumes forwards by default.

evt_react_list <-
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "start",
               input = {}) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "ttot",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.mbc.tx  * fl.mbcs.ontx + cost.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + cost.mbc.pps * (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc) + cost.2ndline*fl.mbcs_2ndline,
                              "fl.mbcs.ontx"= 0)) #Flag that patient is now off-treatment
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "ttot.beva",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default =cost.mbc.tx  * fl.mbcs.ontx + cost.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + cost.mbc.pps * (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc) + cost.2ndline*fl.mbcs_2ndline,
                              "fl.tx.beva"= 0)) #Flag that patient is now off-treatment
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "progression.mbc",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.mbc.tx  * fl.mbcs.ontx + cost.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + cost.mbc.pps * (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc) + cost.2ndline*fl.mbcs_2ndline,
                              "fl.mbcs.progression.mbc"=0,"fl.mbcs_2ndline"=1)) #Flag that patient is progressed and going in 2nd line
                 new_event(list("2ndline_mbc" = curtime + draw_tte(1,'exp', log(0.08))/12))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "idfs",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = if(arm=="noint"){cost.idfs.txnoint* fl.idfs.ontx  + cost.idfs}else{(cost.idfs.tx) * fl.idfs.ontx + cost.tx.beva * fl.tx.beva + cost.idfs},
                              "fl.idfs"= 0))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "ttot.early",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = if(arm=="noint"){cost.idfs.txnoint* fl.idfs.ontx  + cost.idfs}else{(cost.idfs.tx) * fl.idfs.ontx + cost.tx.beva * fl.tx.beva + cost.idfs},
                              "fl.idfs.ontx"=0,"fl.tx.beva"=0)) #Flag that patient is now off-treatment
                 n_ae <- rpois(1,lambda=0.25*(curtime -prevtime)) #1 AE every 4 years
                 if (n_ae>0) {
                   new_event(rep(list("ae" = curtime + 0.0001),n_ae))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "remission",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.recurrence * fl.recurrence,
                              "fl.remission"= 1))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "recurrence",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.recurrence * fl.recurrence,
                              "fl.recurrence"=1,"fl.remission"=0,"fl.mbcs"=1,"fl.mbcs.progression.mbc"=1)) #ad-hoc for plot
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "start.early.mbc",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.recurrence * fl.recurrence,
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "2ndline_mbc",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.mbc.tx  * fl.mbcs.ontx + cost.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + cost.mbc.pps * (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc) + cost.2ndline*fl.mbcs_2ndline,
                              "fl.mbcs_2ndline"= 0))
                 n_ae <- rpois(1,lambda=0.25*(curtime -prevtime)) #1 AE every 4 years
                 if (n_ae>0) {
                   new_event(rep(list("ae" = curtime + 0.0001),n_ae))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "ae",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.mbc.tx  * fl.mbcs.ontx + cost.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + cost.mbc.pps * (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc) + cost.2ndline*fl.mbcs_2ndline,
                              c_ae =
                 modify_event(list("os" =max(cur_evtlist[["os"]] - 0.125,curtime +0.0001) ))#each AE brings forward death by 1.5 months
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "os",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list(q_default = if (fl.idfs==1) {
                                util.idfs.ontx * fl.idfs.ontx + (1-fl.idfs.ontx) * (1-fl.idfs.ontx) 
                              } else if (fl.idfs==0 & fl.mbcs==0) {
                                util.remission * fl.remission + fl.recurrence*util.recurrence
                              } else if (fl.mbcs==1) {
                                util.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc)*util.mbc.pps
                              c_default = cost.mbc.tx  * fl.mbcs.ontx + cost.mbc.progression.mbc * fl.mbcs.progression.mbc + cost.mbc.pps * (1-fl.mbcs.progression.mbc) + cost.2ndline*fl.mbcs_2ndline,

Costs and Utilities

Costs and utilities are introduced below. However, it’s worth noting that the model is able to run without costs or utilities.

Utilities/Costs/Other outputs are defined by declaring which object belongs to utilities/costs/other outputs, and whether they need to be discounted continuously or discretely (instantaneous). These will be passed to the run_sim function. ## Utilities

util_ongoing <- "q_default"


cost_ongoing <- "c_default"

cost_instant <-  "c_ae"


Model Execution

The model can be run using the function run_sim below. We must define the number of patients to be simulated, the number of simulations, whether we want to run a PSA or not, the strategy list, the inputs, events and reactions defined above, utilities, costs and also if we want any extra output and the level of ipd data desired to be exported.

It is worth noting that the psa_bool argument does not run a PSA automatically, but is rather an additional input/flag of the model that we use as a reference to determine whether we want to use a deterministic or stochastic input. As such, it could also be defined in common_all_inputs as the first item to be defined, and the result would be the same. However, we recommend it to be defined in run_sim.

Note that the distribution chosen, the number of events and the interaction between events can have a substantial impact on the running time of the model.

#Logic is: per patient, per intervention, per event, react to that event.
results <- run_sim(  
  npats=2000,                              # number of patients to be simulated
  n_sim=1,                                  # number of simulations to run
  psa_bool = FALSE,                         # use PSA or not. If n_sim > 1 and psa_bool = FALSE, then difference in outcomes is due to sampling (number of pats simulated)  
  arm_list = c("int", "noint"),             # intervention list
  common_all_inputs = common_all_inputs,    # inputs common that do not change within a simulation
  common_pt_inputs = common_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation but are not affected by the intervention
  unique_pt_inputs = unique_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation between interventions
  init_event_list = init_event_list,        # initial event list
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,          # reaction of events
  util_ongoing_list = util_ongoing,
  cost_ongoing_list = cost_ongoing,
  cost_instant_list = cost_instant,
  input_out = c(                            # list of additional outputs (Flags, etc) that the user wants to export for each patient and event
#> Analysis number: 1
#> Simulation number: 1
#> Time to run simulation 1: 5.01s
#> Time to run analysis 1: 5.01s
#> Total time to run: 5.01s

Post-processing of Model Outputs

Summary of Results

Once the model has been run, we can use the results and summarize them using the summary_results_det to print the results of the last simulation (if nsim=1, it’s the deterministic case), and summary_results_sim to show the PSA results (with the confidence intervals). We can also use the individual patient data generated by the simulation, which we collect here to plot in the psa_ipd object.

summary_results_det(results[[1]][[1]]) #will print the last simulation!
#>                         int      noint
#> costs             424345.16  240913.67
#> dcosts                 0.00  183431.49
#> lys                   13.62      12.26
#> dlys                   0.00       1.35
#> qalys                 10.87       9.78
#> dqalys                 0.00       1.09
#> ICER                     NA  135404.15
#> ICUR                     NA  167771.93
#> INMB                     NA -128764.57
#> costs_undisc      485672.92  268770.13
#> dcosts_undisc          0.00  216902.79
#> lys_undisc            17.75      15.43
#> dlys_undisc            0.00       2.32
#> qalys_undisc          14.32      12.40
#> dqalys_undisc          0.00       1.92
#> ICER_undisc              NA   93472.78
#> ICUR_undisc              NA  112871.89
#> INMB_undisc              NA -120819.17
#> c_ae                 468.19     578.50
#> dc_ae                  0.00    -110.30
#> c_ae_undisc          571.00     687.00
#> dc_ae_undisc           0.00    -116.00
#> c_default         423876.96  240335.17
#> dc_default             0.00  183541.79
#> c_default_undisc  485101.92  268083.13
#> dc_default_undisc      0.00  217018.79
#> nat.os.s              34.45      34.45
#> dnat.os.s              0.00       0.00
#> os.early              20.51      17.08
#> dos.early              0.00       3.43
#> os.mbc                21.81      19.54
#> dos.mbc                0.00       2.27
#> q_default             10.87       9.78
#> dq_default             0.00       1.09
#> q_default_undisc      14.32      12.40
#> dq_default_undisc      0.00       1.92

#>                                                int
#> costs                   424,345 (424,345; 424,345)
#> dcosts                                    0 (0; 0)
#> lys                           13.62 (13.62; 13.62)
#> dlys                                      0 (0; 0)
#> qalys                         10.87 (10.87; 10.87)
#> dqalys                                    0 (0; 0)
#> ICER                                  NaN (NA; NA)
#> ICUR                                  NaN (NA; NA)
#> INMB                                  NaN (NA; NA)
#> costs_undisc            485,673 (485,673; 485,673)
#> dcosts_undisc                             0 (0; 0)
#> lys_undisc                    17.75 (17.75; 17.75)
#> dlys_undisc                               0 (0; 0)
#> qalys_undisc                  14.32 (14.32; 14.32)
#> dqalys_undisc                             0 (0; 0)
#> ICER_undisc                           NaN (NA; NA)
#> ICUR_undisc                           NaN (NA; NA)
#> INMB_undisc                           NaN (NA; NA)
#> c_ae                       468.19 (468.19; 468.19)
#> dc_ae                                     0 (0; 0)
#> c_ae_undisc                         571 (571; 571)
#> dc_ae_undisc                              0 (0; 0)
#> c_default               423,877 (423,877; 423,877)
#> dc_default                                0 (0; 0)
#> c_default_undisc  485,101.9 (485,101.9; 485,101.9)
#> dc_default_undisc                         0 (0; 0)
#> nat.os.s                      34.45 (34.45; 34.45)
#> dnat.os.s                                 0 (0; 0)
#> os.early                      20.51 (20.51; 20.51)
#> dos.early                                 0 (0; 0)
#> os.mbc                        21.81 (21.81; 21.81)
#> dos.mbc                                   0 (0; 0)
#> q_default                     10.87 (10.87; 10.87)
#> dq_default                                0 (0; 0)
#> q_default_undisc              14.32 (14.32; 14.32)
#> dq_default_undisc                         0 (0; 0)
#>                                              noint
#> costs                   240,914 (240,914; 240,914)
#> dcosts                  183,431 (183,431; 183,431)
#> lys                           12.26 (12.26; 12.26)
#> dlys                          1.355 (1.355; 1.355)
#> qalys                            9.78 (9.78; 9.78)
#> dqalys                        1.093 (1.093; 1.093)
#> ICER                    135,404 (135,404; 135,404)
#> ICUR                    167,772 (167,772; 167,772)
#> INMB                 -128,765 (-128,765; -128,765)
#> costs_undisc            268,770 (268,770; 268,770)
#> dcosts_undisc           216,903 (216,903; 216,903)
#> lys_undisc                    15.43 (15.43; 15.43)
#> dlys_undisc                      2.32 (2.32; 2.32)
#> qalys_undisc                     12.4 (12.4; 12.4)
#> dqalys_undisc                 1.922 (1.922; 1.922)
#> ICER_undisc                93,473 (93,473; 93,473)
#> ICUR_undisc             112,872 (112,872; 112,872)
#> INMB_undisc          -120,819 (-120,819; -120,819)
#> c_ae                          578.5 (578.5; 578.5)
#> dc_ae                -110.302 (-110.302; -110.302)
#> c_ae_undisc                         687 (687; 687)
#> dc_ae_undisc                     -116 (-116; -116)
#> c_default         240,335.2 (240,335.2; 240,335.2)
#> dc_default        183,541.8 (183,541.8; 183,541.8)
#> c_default_undisc  268,083.1 (268,083.1; 268,083.1)
#> dc_default_undisc 217,018.8 (217,018.8; 217,018.8)
#> nat.os.s                      34.45 (34.45; 34.45)
#> dnat.os.s                                 0 (0; 0)
#> os.early                      17.08 (17.08; 17.08)
#> dos.early                     3.432 (3.432; 3.432)
#> os.mbc                        19.54 (19.54; 19.54)
#> dos.mbc                       2.272 (2.272; 2.272)
#> q_default                        9.78 (9.78; 9.78)
#> dq_default                    1.093 (1.093; 1.093)
#> q_default_undisc                 12.4 (12.4; 12.4)
#> dq_default_undisc             1.922 (1.922; 1.922)

psa_ipd <- bind_rows(map(results[[1]], "merged_df")) 

psa_ipd[1:10,] %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
evtname evttime prevtime pat_id arm total_lys total_qalys total_costs total_costs_undisc total_qalys_undisc total_lys_undisc lys qalys costs lys_undisc qalys_undisc costs_undisc os.early os.mbc nat.os.s sex_pt c_default c_ae q_default c_default_undisc q_default_undisc c_ae_undisc nexttime simulation sensitivity
start 0.000000 0.000000 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 4.8556602 3.6417451 2.913396e+05 5.2415205 3.9311404 314491.23 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 2.913396e+05 0.0000 3.6417451 314491.23 3.9311404 0 5.241521 1 1
ttot.beva 5.241521 0.000000 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 1.5878803 1.1909102 3.652125e+04 1.9067130 1.4300347 43854.40 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 3.652125e+04 0.0000 1.1909102 43854.40 1.4300347 0 7.148233 1 1
ttot.early 7.148233 5.241521 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 0.0000810 0.0000607 4.047677e+00 0.0001000 0.0000750 5.00 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 4.047677e+00 0.0000 0.0000607 5.00 0.0000750 0 7.148333 1 1
ae 7.148333 7.148233 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 0.5064936 0.5064936 1.245889e+04 0.6315183 0.6315183 15524.92 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 1.164935e+04 809.5343 0.5064936 14524.92 0.6315183 1000 7.779852 1 1
idfs 7.779852 7.148333 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 0.000000e+00 0.0000 0.0000000 0.00 0.0000000 0 7.779852 1 1
remission 7.779852 7.779852 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 4.5301637 4.0771473 0.000000e+00 6.2437518 5.6193766 0.00 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 0.000000e+00 0.0000 4.0771473 0.00 5.6193766 0 14.023604 1 1
recurrence 14.023604 7.779852 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 3.6348056 3.2713250 0.000000e+00 6.0044873 5.4040385 0.00 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 0.000000e+00 0.0000 3.2713250 0.00 5.4040385 0 20.028091 1 1
os 20.028091 14.023604 1 int 15.11508 12.687682 340323.8 373875.5 17.016184 20.02809 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00 20.15309 24.14705 41.31053 female 0.000000e+00 0.0000 0.0000000 0.00 0.0000000 0 20.028091 1 1
start 0.000000 0.000000 2 int 11.78031 4.356588 576099.6 684612.4 4.965907 14.48082 4.9914407 3.7435805 2.994864e+05 5.4004277 4.0503208 324025.66 21.31760 14.48082 37.44090 female 2.994864e+05 0.0000 3.7435805 324025.66 4.0503208 0 5.400428 1 1
idfs 5.400428 0.000000 2 int 11.78031 4.356588 576099.6 684612.4 4.965907 14.48082 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00 21.31760 14.48082 37.44090 female 0.000000e+00 0.0000 0.0000000 0.00 0.0000000 0 5.400428 1 1

We can also check what has been the absolute number of events per strategy.

arm evtname n
int os 2000
int start 2000
int idfs 1973
int ttot.early 1973
int ttot.beva 1953
int remission 1588
int recurrence 1355
int ae 1142
int ttot 552
int progression.mbc 542
int start.early.mbc 376
int 2ndline_mbc 231
noint os 2000
noint start 2000
noint ttot.early 1975
noint idfs 1971
noint remission 1580
noint ae 1374
noint recurrence 1225
noint ttot 473
noint progression.mbc 453
noint start.early.mbc 368
noint 2ndline_mbc 200


We now use the data output to plot the histograms/densities of the simulation.

data_plot <- results[[1]][[1]]$merged_df %>%
  filter(evtname != "start") %>%
  group_by(arm,evtname,simulation) %>%
  mutate(median = median(evttime)) %>%

ggplot(data_plot) +
  geom_density(aes(fill = arm, x = evttime),
                 alpha = 0.7) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=median,col=arm)) +
  facet_wrap( ~ evtname, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +

We can also plot the patient level QALY/costs. Note that there are several clusters in the distribution of patients according to their QALY/costs based on the pathway they took (early metastatic vs. remission and cure or recurrence).

data_qaly_cost<- psa_ipd[,.SD[1],by=.(pat_id,arm,simulation)][,.(arm,qaly=total_qalys,cost=total_costs,pat_id,simulation)]

mean_data_qaly_cost <- data_qaly_cost %>% group_by(arm) %>% summarise(across(where(is.numeric),mean))

ggplot(data_qaly_cost,aes(x=qaly, y = cost, col = arm)) + 
  geom_point(alpha=0.15,shape = 21) +
  geom_point(data=mean_data_qaly_cost, aes(x=qaly, y = cost, fill = arm), shape = 21,col="black",size=3) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = .5))