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This document runs a discrete event simulation model in the context of a simple cohort Markov model with 4 states. Note that this same exercise could be done from a patient simulation approach (microsimulation) rather than the cohort one.

Main options


#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     group_rows

#Show all numbers, no scientific notation
options(scipen = 999)

Model Concept

The model is a simple Markov model with 4 states whose transition matrix can be found below. In order to run a pure Markov model within these functions, we will define each event as each cycle. We will generate an initial trace and at each event (cycle) we will update the trace by multiplying it by the transition matrix. Costs and QALYs can be computed in a similar fashion by multiplying the trace times the cost and the utility.

Load Data

The dummy data is generated below. The data structure should be as defined below, otherwise it will give problems.

#Utilities <- data.frame( name = c("util1" ,"util2" ,"util3" ,"util4"),
                         value = c(0.9,0.75,0.6,0),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#Costs <- data.frame( name = c("cost1" ,"cost2" ,"cost3" ,"cost4","cost_int"),
                         value = c(1000,3000,6000,0,1000),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>%
  mutate(se= value/5)

General inputs with delayed execution

Initial inputs and flags that will be used in the model can be defined below. We can define inputs that are common to all patients (common_all_inputs) within a simulation, inputs that are unique to a patient independently of the treatment (e.g. natural death, defined in common_pt_inputs), and inputs that are unique to that patient and that treatment (unique_pt_inputs). Items can be included through the add_item function, and can be used in subsequent items. All these inputs are generated before the events and the reaction to events are executed. Furthermore, the program first executes common_all_inputs, then common_pt_inputs and then unique_pt_inputs. So one could use the items generated in common_all_inputs in unique_pt_inputs.

We also define here the specific utilities and costs that will be used in the model. It is strongly recommended to assign unnamed objects if they are going to be processed in the model. In this case, we’re only using util_v and cost_v as an intermediate input and these objects will not be processed (we just use them to make the code more readable), so it’s fine if we name them.

We define here our initial trace, the number of cycles to be simulated, the transition matrices and the initial cycle time (i.e. 0).

It is important to note that the QALYs and Costs used are of length 1. If they were of length > 1, the model would expand the data, so instead of having each event as a row, the event would have 4 rows (1 per state). This means more processing of the results data would be needed in order for it to provide the correct results.

#Put objects here that do not change on any patient or intervention loop, for example costs and utilities
common_all_inputs <- add_item(max_n_cycles = 30) %>%
  add_item( #utilities
     pick_val_v(base        =$value,
                psa         = pick_psa(rep("rbeta_mse",nrow(,rep(1,nrow(,$value,$se),
                sens        =$value,
                psa_ind     = psa_bool,
                sens_ind    = sensitivity_bool,
                indicator   = rep(0, nrow(,
                names_out   =[,"name"]
     ) %>%
  add_item( #costs
    pick_val_v(base         =$value,
                psa         = pick_psa(rep("rgamma_mse",nrow(,rep(1,nrow(,$value,$se),
                sens        =$value,
                psa_ind     = psa_bool,
                sens_ind    = sensitivity_bool,
                indicator   = rep(0, nrow(,
                names_out   =[,"name"]

#Put objects here that change as we loop through treatments for each patient (e.g. events can affect fl.tx, but events do not affect nat.os.s)
#common across arm but changes per pt could be implemented here (if (arm==)... )
unique_pt_inputs <- add_item(
                            trace = c(1,0,0,0), #initialize trace, everyone at state 1
                            transition = if( arm=="noint"){ 
                                         } else{
                                              }, # In this case we have two different matrices, note this could also be a single matrix using symbolic RRs or similar
                            #Alternative approach
                            # rr = ifelse(arm=="noint",1,0.9),
                            # transition_2 = matrix(c(0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1,
                            #                 0.1,0.4,0.3,0.2,
                            #                 0.1,0.1,0.5,0.3,
                            #                 0,0,0,1),nrow=4,byrow=T) * rr,
                            # transition_2 = cbind(1-rowSums(transition_2[,-1]),transition_2[,-1]) ,
                            cycle_time = 0,
                            q_default =  trace %*% c(util1,util2,util3,util4), #utilities weighted by state to get QALY
                            c_default = if(arm=="noint"){
                               trace %*% c(cost1+ cost_int,cost2+ cost_int,cost3+ cost_int,cost4)
                             } else{
                               trace %*% c(cost1,cost2,cost3,cost4)


Add Initial Events

In our model, the events are start and cycle.

init_event_list <- 
  add_tte(arm=c("noint","int"),evts=c("start","cycle"),input={ #intervention
    start <- 0
    cycle <- 1

Add Reaction to Those Events

The explanation on how these part works can be seen in any of the other models.

In this Markov model case, in the event start we generate as many cycles as we need. At each cycle event we update the time of the cycle to keep track of it when we produce the output of the model and we update the trace. Finally, when all the events are over, we finish the simulation by setting curtime to infinity.

Alternatively, we could just use the start event and iterate over each cycle, saving everything into an array. That alternative option is not described here as it would involve some tweaking after running the model (as we would not be using the time dimension, so e.g., the discounting would be assuming previous time of 0 and current time of 0 instead of a vector of times, so the results would require post-processing to be adequate).

evt_react_list <-
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "start",
               input = {
                 for (i in 2:max_n_cycles) {
                   new_event(list("cycle" = curtime + i))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "cycle",
               input = {

                   q_default = trace %*% c(util1,util2,util3,util4),
                   c_default = if(arm=="noint"){
                                 trace %*% c(cost1+ cost_int,cost2+ cost_int,cost3+ cost_int,cost4)
                               } else{
                                 trace %*% c(cost1,cost2,cost3,cost4)
                   cycle_time = cycle_time + 1,
                   trace = trace %*% transition #or transition_2
                 if (max_n_cycles == cycle_time) {
                   modify_item(list(curtime = Inf)) #Indicate end of simulation for patient

Costs and Utilities

Costs and utilities are introduced below. However, it’s worth noting that the model is able to run without costs or utilities.


util_ongoing <- "q_default"


cost_ongoing <- "c_default"


Model Execution

The model can be run using the function run_sim below. We must define the number of patients to be simulated, the number of simulations, whether we want to run a PSA or not, the strategy list, the inputs, events and reactions defined above, utilities, costs and also if we want any extra output and the level of ipd data desired to be exported.

It is worth noting that the psa_bool argument does not run a PSA automatically, but is rather an additional input/flag of the model that we use as a reference to determine whether we want to use a deterministic or stochastic input. As such, it could also be defined in common_all_inputs as the first item to be defined, and the result would be the same. However, we recommend it to be defined in run_sim.

Note that the distribution chosen, the number of events and the interaction between events can have a substantial impact on the running time of the model. Since we are taking a cohort approach, we just need to indicate npats = 1.

#Logic is: per patient, per intervention, per event, react to that event.
results <- run_sim(  
  npats=1,                               # number of patients, recommended to set to 1000 if using PSA as it takes quite a while
  n_sim=1,                                  # if >1, then PSA, otherwise deterministic
  psa_bool = FALSE,
  arm_list = c("int", "noint"),             # intervention list
  common_all_inputs = common_all_inputs,    # inputs common that do not change within a simulation
  unique_pt_inputs = unique_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation between interventions
  init_event_list = init_event_list,        # initial event list
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,          # reaction of events
  util_ongoing_list = util_ongoing,
  cost_ongoing_list = cost_ongoing,
  input_out = c(                            # list of additional outputs (Flags, etc) that the user wants to export for each patient and event
#> Analysis number: 1
#> Simulation number: 1
#> Time to run simulation 1: 0.07s
#> Time to run analysis 1: 0.07s
#> Total time to run: 0.07s

Post-processing of Model Outputs

Summary of Results

Once the model has been run, we can use the results and summarize them using the summary_results_det to print the results of the last simulation (if nsim=1, it’s the deterministic case), and summary_results_sim to show the PSA results (with the confidence intervals). We can also use the individual patient data generated by the simulation, which we collect here in the psa_ipd object. Note that the data for life years is wrong, as the model assumes we are running a patient simulation data and therefore it’s adding the 4 states together, inflating the total life years. We can manually adjust this to get the correct life years. Note that the trace data is exported separately as it’s of length > 1.

summary_results_det(results[[1]][[1]]) #will print the last simulation!
#>                        int     noint
#> costs             18957.73  20353.56
#> dcosts                0.00  -1395.83
#> lys                  19.89     19.89
#> dlys                  0.00      0.00
#> qalys                 5.81      4.37
#> dqalys                0.00      1.44
#> ICER                    NA      -Inf
#> ICUR                    NA   -971.07
#> INMB                    NA  73266.50
#> costs_undisc      23836.54  23677.54
#> dcosts_undisc         0.00    159.00
#> lys_undisc           30.00     30.00
#> dlys_undisc           0.00      0.00
#> qalys_undisc          6.92      4.90
#> dqalys_undisc         0.00      2.02
#> ICER_undisc             NA       Inf
#> ICUR_undisc             NA     78.75
#> INMB_undisc             NA 100797.64
#> c_default         18957.73  20353.56
#> dc_default            0.00  -1395.83
#> c_default_undisc  23836.54  23677.54
#> dc_default_undisc     0.00    159.00
#> cycle_time           30.00     30.00
#> dcycle_time           0.00      0.00
#> q_default             5.81      4.37
#> dq_default            0.00      1.44
#> q_default_undisc      6.92      4.90
#> dq_default_undisc     0.00      2.02

psa_ipd <- bind_rows(map(results[[1]], "merged_df"))

traces <- data.table::rbindlist(results[[1]][[1]]$extradata_raw)

trace_t <- cbind(traces, 
psa_ipd[rep(seq(1, nrow(psa_ipd)), each = 4)]) %>%
  mutate(state = rep(seq(1:4),62))

trace_t[1:10,] %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
trace evtname evttime prevtime pat_id arm total_lys total_qalys total_costs total_costs_undisc total_qalys_undisc total_lys_undisc lys qalys costs lys_undisc qalys_undisc costs_undisc cycle_time c_default q_default c_default_undisc q_default_undisc nexttime simulation sensitivity state
1.00 start 0 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9853651 0.8868286 985.3651 1 0.900 1000 0 985.3651 0.8868286 1000 0.900 1 1 1 1
0.00 start 0 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9853651 0.8868286 985.3651 1 0.900 1000 0 985.3651 0.8868286 1000 0.900 1 1 1 2
0.00 start 0 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9853651 0.8868286 985.3651 1 0.900 1000 0 985.3651 0.8868286 1000 0.900 1 1 1 3
0.00 start 0 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9853651 0.8868286 985.3651 1 0.900 1000 0 985.3651 0.8868286 1000 0.900 1 1 1 4
0.50 cycle 1 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9566652 0.8609987 956.6652 1 0.900 1000 1 956.6652 0.8609987 1000 0.900 2 1 1 1
0.30 cycle 1 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9566652 0.8609987 956.6652 1 0.900 1000 1 956.6652 0.8609987 1000 0.900 2 1 1 2
0.10 cycle 1 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9566652 0.8609987 956.6652 1 0.900 1000 1 956.6652 0.8609987 1000 0.900 2 1 1 3
0.10 cycle 1 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9566652 0.8609987 956.6652 1 0.900 1000 1 956.6652 0.8609987 1000 0.900 2 1 1 4
0.32 cycle 2 1 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9288012 0.6826689 1857.6023 1 0.735 2000 2 1857.6023 0.6826689 2000 0.735 3 1 1 1
0.29 cycle 2 1 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9288012 0.6826689 1857.6023 1 0.735 2000 2 1857.6023 0.6826689 2000 0.735 3 1 1 2

life_years <-  trace_t  %>% 
  group_by(arm) %>%
  filter(state!=4) %>% #erase death state for LY computation
  mutate(ly_final = lys*lag(trace,3L)) %>% #multiply by previous trace
summarise(ly_final = sum(ly_final,na.rm = TRUE)) #get final discounted life years

life_years %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
arm ly_final
int 6.307582
noint 4.530843

results[[1]][[1]][["total_lys"]][["int"]] <- life_years$ly_final[life_years$arm=="int"]
results[[1]][[1]][["total_lys"]][["noint"]] <- life_years$ly_final[life_years$arm=="noint"]

summary_results_det(results[[1]][[1]]) #will print the last simulation!
#>                        int     noint
#> costs             18957.73  20353.56
#> dcosts                0.00  -1395.83
#> lys                   6.31      4.53
#> dlys                  0.00      1.78
#> qalys                 5.81      4.37
#> dqalys                0.00      1.44
#> ICER                    NA   -785.61
#> ICUR                    NA   -971.07
#> INMB                    NA  73266.50
#> costs_undisc      23836.54  23677.54
#> dcosts_undisc         0.00    159.00
#> lys_undisc           30.00     30.00
#> dlys_undisc           0.00      0.00
#> qalys_undisc          6.92      4.90
#> dqalys_undisc         0.00      2.02
#> ICER_undisc             NA       Inf
#> ICUR_undisc             NA     78.75
#> INMB_undisc             NA 100797.64
#> c_default         18957.73  20353.56
#> dc_default            0.00  -1395.83
#> c_default_undisc  23836.54  23677.54
#> dc_default_undisc     0.00    159.00
#> cycle_time           30.00     30.00
#> dcycle_time           0.00      0.00
#> q_default             5.81      4.37
#> dq_default            0.00      1.44
#> q_default_undisc      6.92      4.90
#> dq_default_undisc     0.00      2.02

We can also check each of the cycles

evtname evttime prevtime pat_id arm total_lys total_qalys total_costs total_costs_undisc total_qalys_undisc total_lys_undisc lys qalys costs lys_undisc qalys_undisc costs_undisc cycle_time c_default q_default c_default_undisc q_default_undisc nexttime simulation sensitivity
start 0 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9853651 0.8868286 985.365150 1 0.9000000 1000.000000 0 985.365150 0.8868286 1000.000000 0.9000000 1 1 1
cycle 1 0 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9566652 0.8609987 956.665194 1 0.9000000 1000.000000 1 956.665194 0.8609987 1000.000000 0.9000000 2 1 1
cycle 2 1 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9288012 0.6826689 1857.602318 1 0.7350000 2000.000000 2 1857.602318 0.6826689 2000.000000 0.7350000 3 1 1
cycle 3 2 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.9017487 0.5586333 2101.074467 1 0.6195000 2330.000000 3 2101.074467 0.5586333 2330.000000 0.6195000 4 1 1
cycle 4 3 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.8754842 0.4633062 1988.224557 1 0.5292000 2271.000000 4 1988.224557 0.4633062 2271.000000 0.5292000 5 1 1
cycle 5 4 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.8499846 0.3865348 1755.898257 1 0.4547550 2065.800000 5 1755.898257 0.3865348 2065.800000 0.4547550 6 1 1
cycle 6 5 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.8252278 0.3233478 1506.346069 1 0.3918285 1825.370000 6 1506.346069 0.3233478 1825.370000 0.3918285 7 1 1
cycle 7 6 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.8011920 0.2708174 1275.963218 1 0.3380181 1592.581000 7 1275.963218 0.2708174 1592.581000 0.3380181 8 1 1
cycle 8 7 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.7778563 0.2269454 1074.721490 1 0.2917575 1381.645200 8 1074.721490 0.2269454 1381.645200 0.2917575 9 1 1
cycle 9 8 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.7552003 0.1902279 902.920764 1 0.2518907 1195.604290 9 902.920764 0.1902279 1195.604290 0.2518907 10 1 1
cycle 10 9 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.7332042 0.1594690 757.713008 1 0.2174960 1033.426971 10 757.713008 0.1594690 1033.426971 0.2174960 11 1 1
cycle 11 10 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.7118487 0.1336904 635.527276 1 0.1878073 892.784143 11 635.527276 0.1336904 892.784143 0.1878073 12 1 1
cycle 12 11 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.6911153 0.1120816 532.919267 1 0.1621750 771.100386 12 532.919267 0.1120816 771.100386 0.1621750 13 1 1
cycle 13 12 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.6709857 0.0939665 446.829995 1 0.1400425 665.930708 13 446.829995 0.0939665 665.930708 0.1400425 14 1 1
cycle 14 13 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.6514424 0.0787796 374.629706 1 0.1209310 575.077213 14 374.629706 0.0787796 575.077213 0.1209310 15 1 1
cycle 15 14 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.6324684 0.0660474 314.088895 1 0.1044279 496.608049 15 314.088895 0.0660474 496.608049 0.1044279 16 1 1
cycle 16 15 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.6140470 0.0553729 263.328966 1 0.0901770 428.841723 16 263.328966 0.0553729 428.841723 0.0901770 17 1 1
cycle 17 16 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.5961621 0.0464237 220.771358 1 0.0778710 370.321010 17 220.771358 0.0464237 370.321010 0.0778710 18 1 1
cycle 18 17 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.5787982 0.0389208 185.091271 1 0.0672442 319.785512 18 185.091271 0.0389208 319.785512 0.0672442 19 1 1
cycle 19 18 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.5619400 0.0326306 155.177497 1 0.0580677 276.146036 19 155.177497 0.0326306 276.146036 0.0580677 20 1 1
cycle 20 19 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.5455728 0.0273569 130.098223 1 0.0501435 238.461714 20 130.098223 0.0273569 238.461714 0.0501435 21 1 1
cycle 21 20 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.5296823 0.0229356 109.072158 1 0.0433006 205.919951 21 109.072158 0.0229356 205.919951 0.0433006 22 1 1
cycle 22 21 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.5142547 0.0192288 91.444251 1 0.0373916 177.818996 22 91.444251 0.0192288 177.818996 0.0373916 23 1 1
cycle 23 22 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4992764 0.0161211 76.665309 1 0.0322889 153.552843 23 76.665309 0.0161211 153.552843 0.0322889 24 1 1
cycle 24 23 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4847344 0.0135157 64.274894 1 0.0278826 132.598181 24 64.274894 0.0135157 132.598181 0.0278826 25 1 1
cycle 25 24 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4706159 0.0113313 53.886980 1 0.0240776 114.503105 25 53.886980 0.0113313 114.503105 0.0240776 26 1 1
cycle 26 25 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4569086 0.0095000 45.177929 1 0.0207918 98.877383 26 45.177929 0.0095000 98.877383 0.0207918 27 1 1
cycle 27 26 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4436006 0.0079646 37.876408 1 0.0179545 85.384032 27 37.876408 0.0079646 85.384032 0.0179545 28 1 1
cycle 28 27 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4306802 0.0066774 31.754937 1 0.0155043 73.732058 28 31.754937 0.0066774 73.732058 0.0155043 29 1 1
cycle 29 28 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.4181361 0.0055982 26.622800 1 0.0133885 63.670176 29 26.622800 0.0055982 63.670176 0.0133885 30 1 1
cycle 30 29 1 int 19.893 5.807921 18957.73 23836.54 6.920913 30 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0 0.0000000 0.000000 30 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 30 1 1
start 0 0 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.9853651 0.8868286 1970.730299 1 0.9000000 2000.000000 0 1970.730299 0.8868286 2000.000000 0.9000000 1 1 1
cycle 1 0 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.9566652 0.8609987 1913.330387 1 0.9000000 2000.000000 1 1913.330387 0.8609987 2000.000000 0.9000000 2 1 1
cycle 2 1 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.9288012 0.6548048 3157.923941 1 0.7050000 3400.000000 2 3157.923941 0.6548048 3400.000000 0.7050000 3 1 1
cycle 3 2 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.9017487 0.4923548 3020.858139 1 0.5460000 3350.000000 3 3020.858139 0.4923548 3350.000000 0.5460000 4 1 1
cycle 4 3 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.8754842 0.3692792 2481.997630 1 0.4218000 2835.000000 4 2481.997630 0.3692792 2835.000000 0.4218000 5 1 1
cycle 5 4 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.8499846 0.2768740 1927.680151 1 0.3257400 2267.900000 5 1927.680151 0.2768740 2267.900000 0.3257400 6 1 1
cycle 6 5 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.8252278 0.2076059 1464.837111 1 0.2515740 1775.070000 6 1464.837111 0.2076059 1775.070000 0.2515740 7 1 1
cycle 7 6 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.8011920 0.1556811 1103.849542 1 0.1943118 1377.759000 7 1103.849542 0.1556811 1377.759000 0.1943118 8 1 1
cycle 8 7 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.7778563 0.1167494 829.238038 1 0.1500913 1066.055500 8 829.238038 0.1167494 1066.055500 0.1500913 9 1 1
cycle 9 8 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.7552003 0.0875558 622.248640 1 0.1159371 823.951750 9 622.248640 0.0875558 823.951750 0.1159371 10 1 1
cycle 10 9 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.7332042 0.0656628 466.746905 1 0.0895559 636.585139 10 466.746905 0.0656628 636.585139 0.0895559 11 1 1
cycle 11 10 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.7118487 0.0492443 350.060840 1 0.0691780 491.762949 11 350.060840 0.0492443 491.762949 0.0691780 12 1 1
cycle 12 11 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.6911153 0.0369311 262.535530 1 0.0534370 379.872265 12 262.535530 0.0369311 379.872265 0.0534370 13 1 1
cycle 13 12 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.6709857 0.0276968 196.891698 1 0.0412778 293.436496 13 196.891698 0.0276968 293.436496 0.0412778 14 1 1
cycle 14 13 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.6514424 0.0207715 147.660820 1 0.0318854 226.667483 14 147.660820 0.0207715 226.667483 0.0318854 15 1 1
cycle 15 14 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.6324684 0.0155778 110.739560 1 0.0246301 175.091057 15 110.739560 0.0155778 175.091057 0.0246301 16 1 1
cycle 16 15 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.6140470 0.0116827 83.050116 1 0.0190257 135.250426 16 83.050116 0.0116827 135.250426 0.0190257 17 1 1
cycle 17 16 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.5961621 0.0087615 62.284172 1 0.0146966 104.475225 17 62.284172 0.0087615 104.475225 0.0146966 18 1 1
cycle 18 17 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.5787982 0.0065708 46.710568 1 0.0113525 80.702688 18 46.710568 0.0065708 80.702688 0.0113525 19 1 1
cycle 19 18 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.5619400 0.0049278 35.031006 1 0.0087693 62.339410 19 35.031006 0.0049278 62.339410 0.0087693 20 1 1
cycle 20 19 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.5455728 0.0036957 26.271815 1 0.0067739 48.154555 20 26.271815 0.0036957 48.154555 0.0067739 21 1 1
cycle 21 20 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.5296823 0.0027716 19.702782 1 0.0052326 37.197356 21 19.702782 0.0027716 37.197356 0.0052326 22 1 1
cycle 22 21 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.5142547 0.0020786 14.776277 1 0.0040419 28.733383 22 14.776277 0.0020786 28.733383 0.0040419 23 1 1
cycle 23 22 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4992764 0.0015589 11.081600 1 0.0031222 22.195322 23 11.081600 0.0015589 22.195322 0.0031222 24 1 1
cycle 24 23 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4847344 0.0011691 8.310745 1 0.0024118 17.144947 24 8.310745 0.0011691 17.144947 0.0024118 25 1 1
cycle 25 24 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4706159 0.0008768 6.232717 1 0.0018630 13.243746 25 6.232717 0.0008768 13.243746 0.0018630 26 1 1
cycle 26 25 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4569086 0.0006575 4.674282 1 0.0014391 10.230233 26 4.674282 0.0006575 10.230233 0.0014391 27 1 1
cycle 27 26 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4436006 0.0004931 3.505519 1 0.0011116 7.902422 27 3.505519 0.0004931 7.902422 0.0011116 28 1 1
cycle 28 27 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4306802 0.0003698 2.628995 1 0.0008587 6.104286 28 2.628995 0.0003698 6.104286 0.0008587 29 1 1
cycle 29 28 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.4181361 0.0002774 1.971638 1 0.0006633 4.715303 29 1.971638 0.0002774 4.715303 0.0006633 30 1 1
cycle 30 29 1 noint 19.893 4.370508 20353.56 23677.54 4.901781 30 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0 0.0000000 0.000000 30 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 30 1 1


We now use the data to plot the traces.

ggplot(trace_t,aes(x=evttime,y = trace,col=arm)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~state)